Áreas __
Service Design
We use a multitude of services throughout the course of a typical day. We travel by public transport or in a shared vehicle, check the news on our mobile phones, pay for groceries, attend a class, throw something in a bin or visit the doctor. Creating or transforming a service is a process, beginning with research, passing through ideation and prototyping stages, and ending up with the preparation of the pilot to be implemented.
New technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and the internet of things are generating rapid and profound transformations in the management of services, their acquisition and use. It is crucial to innovate using a human and systemic approach, through creativity and iterative processes.
It is also necessary to organise the various different moments of the service, so that the experience is pleasant and fluid. In addition, opportunities for new services need to be identified and systems conceptualised to enable value to be created with users, among users or even among multiple organisations.